EQ2 Norrath’s Timeless Heroes Winners Announced!


I want to send out a big Congrats to Citadelli from the Guk Server for winning first place! Wonderful story and excellent art work!!

Also congrats to Bramdar from Najena Server, Crabbok from The Bazaar Server, Nahdia from the Najena Server, Sucuri from Butcherblock Server, Valeric from Everfrost and Enna, Ryusaru Oceanheart, Saisha Seke’Olath and my self all from the Antonia Bayle for 2nd place!!

You can read the full article and see all the wonderful storys and pictures by visiting

EverQuest II “Norrath’s Timeless Heroes” Contest!

Citadelli will be getting a free year of EQ2 and the rest of us a free month but the very best part to me is…………

*Drum Roll*

We will live on in EQ2 forever through a in game portrait of our character!

From the rules it says:
The portrait will be available to other players to purchase as an in-game item for sale and place in their in-game player housing.

I can think of no greater prize than for Elquinjena to forever be a part of EQ2, she will have left her mark in the world of Norrath for everyone to see and enjoy.

Author: Elquinjena