It’s Frostfell Time in Norrath!


It’s the most wonderful time of the year, once again.. and the Frostfell Wonderland calls.. to YOU!!  Seek out the Wardrobes which leads you to the Frostfell Wonderland in your home town!  For a complete run down on everything and anything Frostfell, Check out Zam’s Guide to the Holiday Season!  And don’t forget to visit Santa Glug once a day during the festivities for a gift!

And don’t forget to check out Jethal’s Frostfell Songs!!

  1. Qeynos (copy /loc)
  2. West Freeport (copy /loc)
  3. Kelethin (copy /loc)
  4. Neriak (copy /loc)
  5. Gorowyn (copy /loc)
  6. New Halas (copy /loc)
  7. Haven (copy /loc)

New this year, are Two new Quests..

Along with 37 new crafted items!

Author: Jethal