Pathfinder Silentstride of Graystone Yard tells a small tale…
During the great Age of Turmoil, Holly Windstalker raced across the countryside of Antonica then known as Qeynos Hills. Once she arrived, she defended every living forest creature from harm. Holly Windstalker’s devotion to protecting the forest creatures earned her hatred amongst the local residents and adventurers. She upheld the Code of Kithicor with such fervor that she became imbued with great powers of nature.
The hatred for Windstalker grew, and eventually, the trappers of Qeynos Hills hired mercenaries to do away with her… The forest folk found her body and buried it in a secret location. Rangers do not seek artifacts of great power, though her grave must contain them. We seek her blessing. It is said that forest folk who show great devotion to Holly and pay tribute to her gravesite, shall be imbued with her powers