Fippy Darkpaw (The Gnoll, the Legend, the Song)


Few NPC’s in the world of Norrath make impacts that make us remember them years later… Lord Nagafen, the fierce Dragon… Lucan D’Lere the Overlord… Even young Nathan Ironforge, the annoying brat who wanders Qeynos Harbor.

NPC’s are commoners, merchants, combatants, Gods, enemies and allies.. but only one NPC in the EverQuest universe will go down in history for this honor.

Fippy Darkpaw of EverQuest as died more times than any (named) npc in the history of MMORPGs.

Active since lauch of EverQuest in 1999, Fippy spawns at the far side of the North Qeynos border and Shouts his warning to the Qeynos Guard.. Charges the gate, and promptly dies.

BBBBAAAARRRKKKK!!!!! You humans will pay for ruining our homeland! GRRRRRR!! Family Darkpaw of the Sabretooth Clan will slay you all!! BARK!

He does this every 6 minutes, not including things like Server Outtages, times when someone actually kills him, or the very few times he’s managed to get past the guard and into the city proper. Which means, he’s been killed either by Guard, or Players, every 6 minutes, for 15 years. Giving his estimated total well over 1,314,000 deaths, on any given server of EverQuest. If we include the 16 Current Servers of EQ… that total comes to over 21MILLION deaths.

For your Loyalty to your Clan, and your tenacity through out the years, we at Kithicor.Org Salute you, Fippy

[MP3 Download]

This video was taken from the Official SOE Twitch Stream

This video was taken by Elquinjena from just off the stage during the event

Song: Fippy Darkpaw, by Jethal Silverwing

I saw him in Qeynos out side the gates
I drew my sword, but the guards couldnt wait
to kill the Darkpaw
F-I-P-P-Y Darkpaw

Now I’m not dumb, but I can’t figurewhy
He keeps coming back, time after time
Fippy Dark-Paw
F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw
Oh, that Fippy Darkpaw..

Well, I’m just starting out
can’t figure what’s up
He goes down faster than a
little gnoll pup
that Fippy Dark-paw
F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw

He’s gotta a cool name
and he’s giving a shout
His death tolls surpassed
the Rivervale Trout
that Fippy Dark-Paw
F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw
Oh, that Fippy Darkpaw..

Oh, I started hunting an hour ago
His suicide run makes a really great show
Avenging the pups, Charging the gate
Should have got back up but
He just wouldn’t waaaait

Don’t know what he’s thinking
Just seems a waste
a gnoll-kabob just waiting
for his un-hinged haste
that Fippy Dark-Paw
F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw
Oh, that Fippy Darkpaw..

F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw
Oh, that Fippy Darkpaw..

I’m walking around
I hear barking sounds
He falls to the ground
(got here) befo-ore the gaurds
it really didnt seem all that hard

He Can’t take the hint
He cant read the signs
The guards lay him out
time after time
Fippy Dark-Paw
F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw

Gnolls will be Gnolls
and Guards will be Guards
Look, he just fell again
to a level 3 bard
Fippy Dark-Paw
F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw

That gnolls little brain
is really a mess
Some kind of death wish
keeps him coming I guess
I’m moving on, i’ll be back some day
He’ll keep charging and gettin killed
Until they cancel this gaaame

He’s got no other story
no further lore
the dev. team must have really been bored
to make the Dark-Paw
F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw
Oh, that Fippy Darkpaw..

F-I-P-P-Y Dark-Paw
Oh, that Fippy Darkpaw..