
Thank you so much

I must give a big thank you to the members of the Legion of Kithicor who came to assist in the Upkeep of the Guild Hall this week.  48 hours after the call for help went out, we have accumulated more than enough plat and status to last us for a long time.

But, I can not express the need for us all to contribute to the guild fund on a regular basis and not rely on others to do it for us.  Writs, given by your chosen city, and at the Kylong Plains in Kunark, as well as the ones found at the landing in the Moores of Ykesha help both you and the guild, by providing adventuring and alternative experiance.. portions of which, are assigned to the advancement of the guild.

We all benefit from the amenities the Guild Hall brings us.  Give what you can, thank you.

Author: Jethal