
The Stabby Awards!

The Stabby Award (lrg)


This is the First Annual Stabby Awards!

The Stabby Award is given in appreciation of efforts made in the world of EverQuest2.  Nominated ad voted on by You, the Gamer and will be proudly presented on the Jethal Silverwing Show on a date in the near future.  The categories were chosen by an elite panel of highly informed and drunken lunatics while buzzed out on Red Bull and Cappuccinos.

The awards, themselves, will be presented (if possible) to winner of each category, or the SOE developer who has the balls to take credit.

The Categories are:

  • The Players…
    • Best Role Play Tavern/Club
      • Publicly open RP clubs and taverns
      • Judged on Atmosphere, not design (would you go back and bring friends?)
    • Best Decorated Private Home
      • Most beautiful or imaginative player designed house
      • Judged on designed, and functionality (is it good.. but not cluttered?)
    • Best Designed Guild Hall
      • Most beautiful or imaginative Guild Hall
      • Judged on designed, and functionality (is it good.. but not cluttered?)
  • The Game…
    • Best Quest Ever
      • What’s the one quest that really made you say “wow, I wanna do that one again”
      • Judged on enjoyment.. not reward.
    • The Most “Wrong” NPC
      • Have you walked passed an NPC some time, hear them say something that was so outrageous, funny, or down right “Wrong” that it stuck in your mind?
    • Best Quest Reward
      • What’s the one quest that your alts can’t function without?
      • Judged on reward value compared to difficulty of quest.
    • Most bad-ass looking weapon
      • Holy Crap, I dont wanna get hit by that, I dont care if it’s level 1…
      • Judged on appearance, not stats.
    • Best Seasonal Event
      • Is it Frostfell? Brell Day? Bristlebane Day? Night of the Dead?

Who will win?  Who will we be voting on?  It’s up to YOU, the gamers!  We are now accepting nominations for each category.  Please respond to the post at KITHICOR.ORG.

Cast your votes here!!
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Author: Jethal