
The Stabby Award Winners!

We’ve run this contest for a Month and the time has come to congratulate the winners!

  • Best Role Play Tavern:  The Maiden’s Fancy (Antonia Bayle Server)
  • Best Decorated House:  Cheddarella (Antonia Bayle Server)
  • Best Decorated Guild Hall:  Legion of Kithicor (Antonia Bayle Server)
  • Best Quest Ever!:  Hitus Sharptongue (The Nom Nom Series)
  • Most Wrong NPC:  Foster Graham (Nettleville:  The “Face Cream” quest)
  • Most Bad Ass Looking Weapon:  The Shadowknight Epic “Sedition”
  • Best Seasonal Event:  Frostfell
  • Best Quest Reward:  Earring of Solstice

Disclaimer:  These entries where nominated and voted on by you, the gamer, over a period of 6 weeks total.  If you disagree with the results, then you should have got off your butts and made a difference by nominating or voting for your favorites for each category. You can see the results of the voting Here

Winners of the awards may place them on their website by saving the graphic in the (above) gallery.  Congrats!

Author: Jethal