Happy Birthday EQ2!


November 8th, 2004.. a day that will live in infamy!  The day that Sony Online Entertainment brought us EverQuest 2!

I remember the day I came down stairs and told my (then) room mate, Anne (aka Darkwind, erollisi marr server, eq1).. Hey, the new leader of Qeynos will be a decendant of Antonious, named Antonia.. oh, that’s cool, she said.. then the next day..  OOh, they announced that the leader of Freeport, will be.. The Immortal.. Lucan D’lere!!  She screamed, I’m not sure if it was Horror, or joy, to be honest.  It was kind of a AAAAHH!! hehe.

First came the Character Creation program.. then Beta.. then the long awaited launch.. then came the rebirth of the Legion of Kithicor (which back then was the Legacy of Kithicor).  Friends reunited in a new world.

I’ve been involved with the EverQuest universe for almost 10 years, and I don’t regret one little bit.  There have been ups and downs, some wow’s and some meh’s.. but the community is what makes this game great then, now, and will in the future!

Here’s to EQ2’s 6th Anniversary! /toast

now if we can just Sit in Chairs, lay in beds and have more dance moves.. (just teasing!)

Check out the official story at Everquest2.com

Author: Jethal