
Guild Meeting 12-11

To All Legion of Kithicor Members~

We will be meeting in our forest on Saturday, December 11th at 3pm PST.  ( 6pm EST, and 11pm GMT)  Please note the change in day of being Saturday!

We have a lot to discuss so be ready, and we will all discuss together. There will be cookies, and ale and maybe even some neat news.

As per the normal, if you are not able to show up, Ambassador Santinea will be taking notes and posting them in the Forums for your viewing pleasure. (you might want to tell her how much you appreciate that)

Again,  Saturday, December 11th 3pm PST (6pm EST, and 11pm GMT). Don’t be late, and if you are.. please enter quietly.

Ride On!

~ Legion of Kithicor, Leader and Council

Author: Jethal