Norrathian Cake Off


June 27, 2011:  Congratulations to Kainda of the Antonia Bayle Server for winning the Norrathian Cake Off, with her Roehn Theer Inspired Cake

As many of you know, Jethal’s got into Baking lately.. and I know that several of our fans are cooks and bakers as well.

Norrathian Cake Prizes

I want to see what kind of cake artists we have around here.  Show off your skill and your love of EverQuest2 by joining me in making a Norrathian Themed Cake!  Sculpt a masterpiece, Decorate a sheet cake, whatever favors you want.  From the Simple to the Elaborate, I want to see it all!  But, more importantly, do it for the fun of it.

Every cake submitted will be showcased here, on  Elquin and I (and possibly some folks from SOE) will pick the most creative cake!  The winner will receive..

  • A Foam EQ2 Knight figure, from the 2010 Fan Faire
  • Sony Station Flashlight Pen (which shines the “Station” logo)
  • An EQ2 “City to the City”
  • And a black (what i assume is fake leather) Journal!

The contest runs from May 27th 2011 until June 20th. Send your submissions to – all submitted photos will be added to this post as we get them.

VOTING AS BEGUN! We will collect votes for one week, and announce the winner on the Jethal Silverwing Show on June 28th!

[polldaddy poll=”5161441″]

Author: Jethal