
March in Norrath

From EverQuest2.com

There are lots of activities and events to participate in this month! And while you’re busy playing, the Dev team is preparing for the Game Update 63: Skyshrine launch. We are already playtesting internally and excited about this release. As we write this, development is wrapping up and we’ll be going to Test server in mid-March, so come and check it out then. You can expect to be getting details on the Skyshrine update fairly soon too. We’ve already got Behind the Scenes videos in preparation to give you a look inside the creation of this game update.

Destiny of Velious Story Continues

With Skyshrine in mind, before the update goes live, we will be releasing a new chapter in the Destiny of Velious signature line, continuing the story of the Age’s End saga.

DOV Dungeon Timers Reduced to 90 Minutes!
Get prepared for the next Game Update and gear up in Destiny of Velious group dungeons — timers are being reduced from 18 hours to 90 minutes!

New Pathing Code
In exciting code news, new pathing is on Test right now and we’re hoping to bring that to Live when it has passed rigorous testing. For those who don’t know, “pathing” is what the monsters and pets use to travel from points A to B in our game.

Bye-bye Crit Mit
The Critical Mitigation stat removal change that is on Test will be going to live servers this month. This does not apply to the PVP Critical Mitigation stat.

Neriak City Festival and Aether Races
Hear ye, hear ye, those of evil inclination! The Neriak City Festival kicks off on March 1 and ends on the 7th. Watch for the Far Seas Trading Company on the city outskirts.

Brewday Festival March 8-19
Are you ready? Do you have the fortitude? The stamina? Brewday Festival is finally here and begins on March 8. Enter through the Brewday portal (hard to miss them) and get new quests, recipes, and more! Brewday Festival portals are found in Antonica, Commonlands, Haven, Greater Faydark, Timorous Deep, and Frostfang Sea.

Moonlight Enchantments
Moonlight Enchantments will grace the lands on March 20 for 48 hours of limited items and quests.

Blast from the Past (literally) with the Chronoportal Phenomenon
The Chronoportal Phenomenon – the EQ Anniversary event that takes you back to ancient times – will be live from March 20 to 28 to celebrate another year with our incredible games. Travel back in time and return with relics of the past if you dare!

Did you know….you can buy a Pet Rock from the Marketplace? It’s a petamorph wand. Don’t leave home without it.

Author: Jethal