
Screenshot CONTEST!!

CONGRATULATIONS, Quendi of the Oasis Server!

This is a contest that Everyone can do! it’s Quick, it’s Easy! and the winner will win a copy of EverQuest II: Age of Discovery (Collectors Edition)!!

Here are the rules!

  • Enter your favorite EQII Screenshot from your OWN collection
  • Only ONE entry, please
  • Could be in your Screenshot Folder -or- Facebook/Twitter “EQ2 Share”
  • That’s IT!!

No Captions, No Editing
It could be funny, amazing, beautiful, every-day, a slip of your finger, someone’s butt.. we don’t care!

Jethal and Elquinjena will pick which picture we like the best and the winner gets the Code for EQII:AoD (Collectors Edition) – Add a 2nd Account, Upgrade your Current Account, Invite a Friend to Play! Use it how ever you want!

Submit your photos!!

  • Please do me a favor and make sure to include with your submission
    • Character Name and Server
  • Reply to this post, uploading your photo -0r-
  • Email to Demon@Kithicor.ORG
  • Please do not submit just a link

This Contest will END on March 26th, 2012.. that’ll give you 2 weeks!

Author: Jethal