
Marketplace Rebate Sale: September 28 – 30 [EverQuest II]

SOE just announced a 50% instant rebate sale, slated to run from Friday, September 28 through Sunday, September 30. From the EverQuest2.com site:

Beginning this Friday, you’ll get an instant rebate on almost anything** in the EverQuest II Marketplace! When you buy an item, 50% of the cost of the item will be immediately refunded to you!

This weekend is a perfect time to stock up on any Marketplace items you’ve had your eye on! So whether it’s a leaper mount or an appearance armor crate, what are you waiting for? With a rebate this large, you can get both!

The sale begins Friday, September 28th at 12:01 pm (noon) PDT and runs through Sunday, September 30th at 11:59 pm PDT*.

Happy shopping!

*Convert to local time

**Experience Potions, Wyverns (Mounts and Beastie Boxes), and Nightborne Robe Crates not included

Author: Jethal