
Rise of the Guardians

When the evil spirit Pitch launches an assault on Earth, the Immortal Guardians team up to protect the innocence of children all around the world.

Honestly, I didn’t think I was going to like this one. But, hey. I’ve been known to be wrong before, and I was wrong about Rise of the Guardians.

Jack Frost has been the herald of winter for over 300 years. We sees himself as the bringer of fun to children. The problem is, he’s the only one who sees himself.. at all. “Jack Frost nipping at your Nose” is a phrase, a saying, but that’s all. None of the children actually believe that there is a Jack Frost. And without belief, he cannot be seen. When The Boogie Man rises and tries to cover the world in a cloud of fear, Jack finds himself recruited by The Guardians..

  • The Tooth Fairy
    • The Tooth Fairy resembles a cross between a Fairie and a Humming Bird. Along with her legion of Fairies, she collects baby teeth from the children of the world, leaving a coin behind.
  • The Easter Bunny
    • Bunny is just that.. a Large anamorphic, Australian, bunny. Every easter, Bunny along with this helpers, hide brightly colored eggs for the children to find.
  • The Sand Man
    • Portrayed as a small, gnomish, man. The Sand Man is the bringer of good dreams.. a ripe target for the evil Boogie Man, who wants only Nightmares.
  • Santa Claus
    • More resembling “Dedushka Moroz”, the Russian Santa (translated to “old man frost”), He is the badass of the Guardians with Naughty and Nice tattooed on his forearms. Along with this troop of Yeti, he brings toys to all the good boys and girls of the world (yes, Yeti, the Elves are morons).
Author: Jethal