
In Memorial – Amelianne

It is my sad duty to report to you all, that the player behind Amelianne Lightbrand; story teller, rp’er and all around lovely woman with the kindest heart.. Has passed away after bravely combating a lengthy illness. So much heart was in her that she never let on, the extent of her illness except to those closest to her.. I find myself lucky to have been one in the know.

She never wanted anyone to feel sorry for her, and always brought love and joy to any who would take the time to get to know her. For all that she gave, all she ever asked for, was our time.  Time to role-play, time to hear her stories, time to just be yourself in her company. She was easy to love. And I did. and Still Do.

She will be remembered for her stories, her kindness, and that phenomenal blush that made her glow.. Jethal loved to make her blush more than anything. And it was that blush, her innocence, that drew Jethal to her and made us become friends – both in game and out.

I will miss her, oh so dearly.

Beloved Amy.

The Maiden’s Fancy will be honoring our beloved Amy in our show tonight with all of our routines and acts, lovingly, dedicated to her memory.. Please come and celebrate the life of one of our own.. Tonight at 8pm eastern (5pm pacific)

Author: Jethal