Frostfell Don’t Be Late!


Like with any video project I get a bit excited about releasing the finished work. A few people have gotten sneak previews, and have said that they loved it.  I have already posted a bit about the process on this one over on the Mysterious Ranger page and will link the video from Youtube as soon as I get it up.

I was thinking of holding off and releasing it on the 11th but, that might not be a good idea. Most people will be too busy running off the Frostfell to spend 10-15 mins to down load the video and watch it. So who knows, we might release it tonight during the show.

Timing is everything when releasing videos, and it seems most “Frostfell” items that other sites have done are now posted so…maybe releasing it a couple days early might not be a bad idea. I wanted to do it on or at least as close to the live date as possible.

….and I hate sitting on a finished project! I want people to watch it and enjoy it and have a good laugh, it is why I love making them.
Frostfell Don’t Be Late

Remember you can read up on my process notes for each video on the
Mysterous Ranger page

Author: Elquinjena