Day 3 – A Peice of Cake


Well, here it is, day 3 of my trip to Vegas, and things are rolling along pretty smooth!

I started the day with a nice breakfast at the Sidewalk Cafe in Bally’s, then a good conversation with our old buddy “The Dellmon” in the main hall of the center.

Later on I attended the EQII discussion panel, where we saw previews of some of the things that are coming in the next year, including

  • Flying Arasai and Faes
  • Tradeskill Apprentices
    • Will be able to make “Epic” level items, that are no-trade
  • Do it yourself Dungeons
  • The New Freeport
  • A more detailed look at the Beastlords
    • Warders (pets) will be treated as trained combatants.
    • Warders get their own AA tree and Skill stats
    • Warders will get their own UI Window
  • Mercenaries
    • Hired by the Hour
    • Advanced A.I. that will learn from You, including style and even language (yeah, if you swear alot, they will too)
  • Lore Mercenaries
    • Super rare NPCs that will hang out with you if you can afford them
    • Example was given that Lucan D’lere himself, may be (probably wont) a Lore Merc.
  • Reforging Items
    • Got a nice peice of armor, but it’s just not quite right for you?  Retool it to fit your desired stats.
    • Reforging will also change the look of the item, including particle effects.
  • There is also word of new flying mounts coming soon

After the panel was over, I went for lunch and was joined by Tiffany Spence (Amnerys) breifly, then Santinea and Kitalya, at Nathan’s Famous. mmmm hot dogs.

Back to the Main Hall!  Where I picked up a Monkey and “Tailor” pin, for Elquinjena.

I also saw something that was very cool.. Remember “Snickers”, the guy who dressed like a frogluk and proposed to his girlfriend at last year’s Fan Faire?  well, they’re married now!  and they brought in their special Fan Faire wedding cake!  But, I found something interesting about the design.. you see, it’s an eatable print out of them on stage at last year’s FF.. but look to the right..  It’s our own HUDD!  I just thought that was neat.

Brasse revealed her 2011 Dwarven Armor (hand made, btw) and wow.. she looks Great!

Tonight was also the Fan Faire Pool Party, and wow, what a blast.  I spent 3 1/2 hours in the pool in a marathon game of Water Volley Ball!  I started the game, and I damned sure ended it!  I’m exhausted, and prunned up.  Now I think it’s time for bed.. Here are some Photos!


Author: Jethal