
She Thinks My Ranger’s Sexy

Today is the day!

Elquinjena and I mark 10 years of Wedded Weirdness! Things have changed over the years, some for the better, some of the worse, but I love my baby more than anything and wouldn’t trade her for anything. From our first meeting in Miragul’s Menagerie, our move to EverQuest II, World of Warcraft, BACK to EverQuest II.. to the lands of Eorzea. Through Bees and Hot Tubs. Through the rest of our lives. I love you!

♫ I’m Lookin for Adventure in EverFrost’s Snow
She strolled up to the camp site, here we go
♫ She had a Stonewood Compound Bow and a Quiver full of Death ya see
♫ Our group had some room so she joined right in
♫ Killed so many goblins it should be a sin
She took me by the hand, brought me to the Twilight Sea..

The way I kite them along
♫ She follows everwhere I lead
She’s why I’m singing this song
♫ I like the way she fights with swords in hand
She likes the way I sing with my parody band
♫ Together we’re forced to be reckoned with, try us and you see
She thinks My Rangah’s Sexah..

♫ Oh we hunted Western Wastes and Plane of Storms
Tag Teamed big ole froggies, they had no warn-in
♫ Barindu Hanginin Gardens, we really fired them on
But we got in a rut, it was tedeous and boring
♫ Looked for escape, and it came to us one morning
It’s to Norrath’s future, we see, we’ll be moving on…

The way I kite them along
♫ She follows everwhere I lead
She’s why I’m singing this song
♫ I like the way she fights with swords in hand
She likes the way I sing with my parody band
♫ Together we’re forced to be reckoned with, try us and you see
She thinks My Rangah’s Sexah..

♫ Well, shes on the west coast and I’m on the east
♫ Fate cant keep apart two Norrathian Beasts!

The way I kite them along
She follows everwhere I lead
She’s why I’m singing this song
I like the way she fights with swords in hand
She likes the way I sing with my parody band
Together we’re forced to be reckoned with, try us and you see
She thinks My Rangah’s Sexah..
She thinks My Rangah’s Sexah..
She thinks My Rangah’s Sexah..



Author: Jethal