My son’s school was so hot it burnt to the ground!


My son has been going to Sno-Isle TECH Skills Center  for the past year.  Not many students get to go to this skill center but he was lucky enough to get picked. He has been learning more computer skills such as web page design, flash, coding and anything else that would help him along his desired path of becoming a game designer or working in the gaming industry.

This same school also offered medical, dental and of course the technical field. About 800 students from 33 different high schools attend the skills center. The students were all working on their end of year projects.  Projects that would help them in the field they wish to get jobs in.

Last night it caught fire and burned to the ground.  I don’t think my son quite understood the impact that this will have, since he was thinking that all they had to do was get some portable and get his server back up.  I had to explain to him, that too is gone! 

KIRO’s report
KOMO’s report 
KING 5’s report

I am not sure what the school district will do, I know my son now has 4 hours in the morning where he has nothing planned now.  I am not sure what will happen come next school year. He was lucky enough to get accepted a second year. He has done his Junior year there and was going to finish out his Senior  year there too.

I often think that things happen for reasons, some times we just don’t know the reason at the time. I will be interested in seeing just what sort of reason this had to happen for.

Author: Elquinjena