A Despicable Act


I am sorry to announce that one of our own Antonia Bayle players has turned out to be a douche-bag

Has anyone heard from John Cobb? If so let him know that we the Doran Family do not appreciate being lied to or being decieved. You do not stay with a family for 9 months rent free and then ditch them when they call your bullshit bluff and leave a 7 year old little boy to not have an 8th birthday party because you stole the money that was supposed to be used for it so you can run off in the middle of the night like a coward!!!!!

John Cobb, player of the character known as “Radiance” on the Antonia Bayle Server, is said douche-bag.  Stealing from the family who helped him in time of need.  This is a despicable betrayal.

There is an effort to help the family who got robbed.  If you care to make a donation.  You can PayPal to doran_ra@tridot.com (sorry, that’s not a direct donation link, but you can go to PayPal and direct a donation from there, to that address)

Author: Jethal