Still Looking for a Lunar Anklet?


Still Looking for a Lunar Anklet?

Well your in luck because Jethal and I have a few to give away!

All you have to do is Find Me or Jethal in game and visit either of us in person, tell us why you think
Landmark the Game is Awesome!

We will then post your name and comment on and also send out the following tweet:
(winner’s name) thinks #landmark is:

So remember there is a character limit to tweets, so depending on the length of your in game name, you will have about 100 characters to let the world know what you think about Landmark.

You can find me in game most evenings PST after 7pm and weekends mostly from 9am till 11pm PST.
I will also send out tweets and FB posts when I am heading into game.
Jethal is more of a mystery find, you never know when he will be in game.

Other Rules:
One win PER Person, so if you have more than 1 account please let someone else win, K?
No asking to be on friends list so you can port directly to us. IF you want either of us on your friends list because you want us as a friend after this give away that is great.

You can ASK us where we are and we will tell you. You CAN use the Gallery to port to our location.
IF I am out harvesting I will give you directions to find me. Jethal stays pretty close to his claim.

This Contest will run until we are out of codes.


Author: Elquinjena