Silence of the Hams


A rookie FBI agent, Jo Dee Foster (Billy Zane), has been assigned to work on the case of the Psycho Killer, a killer who has killed over 120 people. But to find out more about the Psycho Killer, Jo is forced to meet Dr. Animal Cannibal Pizza (Dom DeLuise), a famous doctor turned cannibal who ate pizzas with human body parts. Meanwhile, Jo’s girlfriend, Jane Wine (Charlene Tilton), has just stolen $400,000 in cash from her money-hungry boss, Mr. Laurel (Rip Taylor), so she and Jo can be happy, but gets lost in a really horrible storm, caused mostly by a special effects crew behind her car, and stops at the Cemetery Motel, where the owner, Antonio Motel (Ezio Greggio), is dominated by his insane mother (‘Shelly Winters’)

If you were a 90’s B-Actor, you were in this movie. How a movie with so many stars got buried in non-release is beyond me.. I actually had to order this movie from the Czech Republic a few years ago because it was never released on DVD, and even the VHS’s are hard to find.

This is a very silly, very corny, spoof of Psycho & Silence of the Lambs (mostly Psycho), with some great one liners

  • Dr. Animal: The killer’s name is Antonio and he hates his mother.
  • Joe: Why?
  • Dr. Animal: Maybe ’cause she’s a pain in the ass! Did you ever think about that?
  • Jane: The Cemetary? that’s a strange name of a motel..
  • Antonio: This is not a motel called “Cemetery”. This is a cemetery called “Motel”.

This scene is quoted in my house a lot.. because I don’t drink coffee..

All and all, great fun for the family.. if you can find it! Like.. on YouTube..

Author: Jethal